

VanGo is Bringing School Buses to a
Whole New Level
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Riding the bus to school is usually not something most children enjoy. With the state of most traditional yellow school buses it’s no wonder that more and more parents are opting for the choice of driving their children to school themselves.
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Riding the bus to school is usually not something most children enjoy. With the state of most traditional yellow school buses it’s no wonder that more and more parents are opting for the choice of driving their children to school themselves. With the ever increasing pinch in education dollars being felt, bus repairs and upgrades are taking a back seat to other more pressing expenses. As a result more and more children are riding unsafe buses back and forth to school each day.
In the Los Angeles, California area that’s no longer the case. With school transportation being offered by VanGo, parents no longer have to worry about the safety of their children as they send them off to school. VanGo is providing affordable student transportation.
Student transportation is serious business and VanGo views it as such. Their fleet of vehicles is ready, willing and able to transport your child to any school in the Los Angeles, California area.
VanGo appreciates that parents are pressed for time and simply don’t always have the resources to get their child back and forth to school. When VanGo steps in, the child is taken right from their home and delivered directly to their school. The parent no longer has to worry about the bus breaking down or the child being stranded on their way to class.
All of the student transportation handled by VanGo is done on newer vehicles that have passed rigorous safety tests. The government of California has laws in place that specify that vehicles providing school transportation must meet certain safety criteria. There is never any concern that a child is being placed in a vehicle that falls below this standard. VanGo takes your child’s safety very seriously.
VanGo vehicles are also a perfect choice for school outings. Whether it’s an afternoon field trip or an overnight excursion, there is a VanGo vehicle suited for that purpose. The drivers have extensive knowledge of the vehicle they are operating and all drivers have been screened so that parents can rest assured that their child is in the best hands. Children enjoy taking a VanGo vehicle to school.
If you live in the Los Angeles, California area and are facing a school transportation dilemma, contact VanGo today. Soon you’ll be sending your child off to school in safety. Your child deserves a great school experience; make sure they get that and more.