This is Not Your Grandma’s Rocking Chair

This is Not Your Grandma’s Rocking Chair

This article was originally written by Paul M. Jerard Jr.

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Senior Yoga / Chair Yoga
Is it possible that grandparents are working out more than any other members of the family? Absolutely – I see energetic Chair Yoga classes with as many as 50 people in a single class. Lately, I have been training local Yoga teachers to keep up with this popular demand.
There are Yoga instructors who teach exclusively at senior centers, assisted living complexes, adult day care centers, and nursing homes. There are more Yoga teaching opportunities, to work with seniors, than there are Yoga teachers to fill the need.
Seniors are enthusiastic, fun to work with, appreciative, courteous, and the work is rewarding, in more ways than one. I have seen stroke victims make fantastic recoveries within an enthusiastic crowd of peers. Even in the summer, they faithfully continue to practice Chair Yoga.
Senior Yoga students have more ailments than any other age group, and they do less complaining than their grandchildren. On top of the fact that they have great social skills, seniors often refer their less fit, and younger, family members to my wellness center.
Senior classes are usually held in the morning or early afternoon, in just about every community. If you are interested in learning, contact your local senior center for information.
If you are a Yoga teacher, you should be “knocking on doors” at your local senior center. The sky is the limit, and this field is truly in need of innovative, compassionate teachers, with knowledge of body mechanics.