The Health Benefits Of Regular Exercise

The Health Benefits Of Regular Exercise



I am sure that most people realise that there are many benefits of exercising on a regular basis, most of these people however still choose not do so. This article gives information on how our health can benefit from this exercise which hopefully will encourage more people to start.

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exercise, exercising, fitness, weight, arthritis, health, benefits, heart, lung, stress, anxious

I am sure that most people realise that there are many benefits of exercising on a regular basis, most of these people however still choose not do so. This article gives information on how our health can benefit from this exercise which hopefully will encourage more people to start.
I am one of the many people who basically finds it hard to gain any inspiration to exercise. I have over the past couple of years started a fitness routine and have not only enjoyed it(to my surprise) but have never felt so healthy.
It is a strange situation, the thought of starting the exercise is like a choir, but afterwards I feel brilliant. Despite this, I then find it hard to begin to exercise again on the next day. It is weird!
The benefits of exercise:
Helps to lower levels of stress
Helps to improve posture
Helps people to sleep
Helps you to gain stronger muscles
Increases heart and lung efficiency
Lowers the risk of heart disease and lung disease
Helps overall circulation
Helps to reduce blood pressure
Helps people to lose weight
Helps to reduce depression
Helps to reduce cholesterol levels
Helps to reduce symptoms of arthritis
As you can see in the above the list, there are many reasons as to why people should start to exercise. These are only a few out of many health benefits I could mention.
On a personal front, I have found that by exercising on most days, helps me to manage my stress levels. I am by nature a person who is quite anxious and even paranoid, exercising helps me to manage this negative part of my brain and helps me to see things in a much clearer way.
I am also somebody who basically loves food. This exercise is a great way of keeping my weight down, a form of diet which lets me eat exactly what I want.
Depression has been a regular feature of my life, however since starting my fitness regime, I do not think I have been depressed once.
Even though the thought of this exercise does not exactly fill me with joy, I will continue to force myself to do it as the benefits are huge.
I would strongly advise other people to also start exercising. I hope that they find it as rewarding and beneficial as I have.