STCS What washing machine?

STCS What washing machine?

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Cmon now, weve all been there. Your old washing machine has just flooded the floor for the third time and the repairman has sucked in his breath (or just laughed in my case) at the suggestion that he might like to repair it! So, you think that you will buy another one instead but what washing machine do you go for? What can be so hard about choosing a new washing machine? Lets get down to the store quickly and buy one before the dirty washing takes over the house. ..

what washing machine,washing machine

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Half an hour later and you are stood in front of rows of gleaming machines. You wonder which one is the best buy for you. The salesman can smell the desperation and you just know he is going to try and sell you the most expensive one there. How can you avoid this situation? I have put together the following to help you think about what washing machine might suit you best. Most people have a fixed idea about how much they want to spend so the next important decision is about what other options you want.
How many washes a week do you and your family do?
A simple enough question, but it will make a big difference to all sorts of questions that might follow. For example, if you do a lot of washing you might want to think about what washing machine is going to be more reliable rather than be an all singing, all dancing machine. Or, if you only do a couple of washes in a week or you live somewhere with no place to dry laundry, you might want to think about a combined washer/drier. More expensive machines seem to have more program options, but are you going to use them?
Are you worried about any impact on the environment?
There are washing machines on the market that offer short cycles or quick wash (to save on energy.) Some offer half washes with only half the water normally used, all of which have less impact on the environment. I have to say that the short cycle is a blessing in many ways. With limited leisure time at weekends, the last thing I want to do is stay in because the washing machine hasnt finished! However, if your work means that you have dirty overalls or clothes every week or so, the short cycle is not good enough to get clothes really clean. It is wonderful for freshening up though.
Are you interested in whether the machine will be economical to run?
The other comparison you can do is to check the energy rating. All machines have a sticker on the front which shows which level they have been judged at for electrical economy. A is the most economical, the further down the alphabet, the more electricity it will use and therefore the more expensive it is to run. However, be warned, I bought a washing machine that seemed to be economical to run, but when I started using it I found the normal wash took 2hrs! There wasnt a quick wash cycle either. In one way I was saving money, but I wasnt saving on time. In my busy life, time is important for me. I should have paid more attention to what washing machine would wash the quickest instead of which one was the most economical.
I hope this helps you find what washing machine suits you and I am sure that you can think of more questions to ask (and think about the answers) the more the better in fact, as that way you will end up with the washing machine that will suit you best.