QD Basement Mold  The Most Common Place In The Home

QD Basement Mold  The Most Common Place In The Home

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Basement mold is pernicious stuff.

basement mold, mold in basement, basement mold removal

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Basement mold is the most common mold that you will encounter in your home. This is because the basement is underground and is usually not developed as the rest of the house, and so is the perfect breeding ground for basement mold. It is often a storage area where there is little heat and it is also where moisture can build up from condensation on the pipes or even a leak. The mold can actually build up quite a bit in the basement if you do not keep a close watch on the conditions, such as excess moisture and damp conditions which are the prime breeding areas for basement mold.
Once mold spores settle in your basement, they will keep growing. Mold in basements can be found on wood, ceiling tiles, wallpaper, cement, sheet rock and insulation. There is no realistic way to get rid of all the basement mold that you have because mold spores are everywhere. Once you do find mold in the basement, though, you have to look at methods of basement mold removal.
You have to be careful when you are removing basement mold because once you disturb the mold spores you spread them around. Cleaning up one area could spread the mold to another part of the basement. You also have to be careful when you handle moldy materials to make sure you dont breathe in the mold that is in your basement when you are going through the process of basement mold removal. When you set about this task, you should wear a paper facemask and gloves so that you dont breathe in or come in direct contact with the mold.
Basement mold is one of the leading causes of allergies in homes as well as toxic mold syndrome. Not all molds are toxic, but you wont know if the mold in basement is toxic or not until you get it tested. This is why basement mold removal is so important. Mold allergies often disguise themselves as sunus problems or flu-like symptoms and they can aggravate asthma.
When you realize that you have basement mold, the first thing you need to do is search for the cause of the mold. If you find leaks or excess moisture, you have to make the repairs to prevent the moisture from re-occurring and the mold from coming back. Then you have to take measures of basement mold removal. There are many excellent sprays and cleaners on the market that do an effective job of mold removal. You do have to make sure that you completely dry the area after you clean to prevent the basement mold from growing back.