Do You Have Heart Failure? Jane Kriese

Do You Have Heart Failure? Jane Kriese

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Heart failure is a condition in which a weak or over worked heart doesn’t pump efficiently enough, to adequately supply the body with blood. Usually this occurs because the heart muscle is damaged, and its contractions weaken.
Symptoms of heart failure are:
When the heart becomes weak, blood flow slows and fluid builds up in the heart, lungs, and body tissues while muscles are denied oxygen.
This can result in; Shortness of breath, trouble breathing during activity or rest, a persistent cough or raspy wheezing and breathing, tiredness and fatigue as a result of every day activities, swollen ankles legs or feet, dementia, sudden weight gain due to fluid build up, rapid or irregular beats as the heart tries to compensate for inefficient pumping.
Two life style diseases, that lead to heart attack or heart failure are;
High Cholesterol, and High Blood pressure.
Have you been told that you have high cholesterol, or high blood pressure?
If the answer is yes, you will be concerned. The great news is; high cholesterol, and high blood pressure are reversible .
To reverse these diseases you need to change your life style.
Are you ready to make some life style changes and to heal your body? If so visit and print off the E book ” 9 Steps To A Healthy Vibrant Body”
In this book you will find valuable information on changing you life style, and changing your diet.
Are you motivated to make these changes? If so, you have one other consideration.
Your body needs vitamins and minerals;
You should be taking; calcium and magnesium, a multi vitamin with a high vitamin B content and trace minerals (sometimes this is available in a multi mineral combination), and you need a special herbal product designed for the cardiovascular system.
Remember that, in order to get the goodness from your supplements they need to be a liquid herbal extract.
We have only touched the tip of the ice burg with this information, I would like to suggest that you read the book, Left For Dead” by Dick Quinn. This book is a wealth of information on heart disease and how to heal yourself. In the book Dick says “after my heart attack and failed by pass, I saved my life and beat heart disease, without drugs, you can too”.
Your healing is in your hands, the more you know, the better you are prepared to heal yourself ,and have a healthy vibrant body.
© 2005 Jane Kriese [email protected]
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