Category: Online Pilates

6 Advantages of Free Weights Over Exercise Machines

Jon Gestl 415 date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10 category:health article: Meet Sarah. About a year ago, Sarah saw an infomercial about a “multi-unit” workout machine. The announcer called it a “revolutionary” piece of equipment, claiming that people would see results in “just 2-4 weeks”. It exercised all major body parts and the female model shown using the machine

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50th Wedding anniversary

Word Count: 392 For the best Online Pilates company, call Cara McGrath Pilates. “ Jean looked through the window at the birds flying calmly in the sky and some dogs running on the beach. It was a nice day and she felt calm and content to be there, memories came back from her younger days:

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5 Ways To Help A Depressed Loved One

Christopher Green 4396 date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:12 category:health article: When a person is suffering the torment of a stressful, depressive or anxious episode, it can be so hard for loved ones and friends to connect with them. For the sufferer, the torment can be exacerbated because no one understands what they’re going through. Here’s 5 ways you

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5 Ways To Get The Best Use Out Of Your Home Treadmill

Kathryn ONeill 3545 The #1 fear that people have when investing in a home treadmill (or any piece of exercise equipment) is that they won’t use it. You know the story. It gets delivered, you set it up and enjoy it for a few days…and then it sits…and waits. A few months down the road,

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5 Ways to Cheat without Wrecking your Weight Loss Program

Janice Elizabeth Small 3201 Healthy eating day after day can get a bit much when everyone around you is enjoying cheesecake and chips. You know it’s worth it in the long run but sometimes you just want a treat. Instead of gritting your teeth and feeling deprived when the chocolate cake or pizza calls you

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5 Warning Signs That Could Keep You Out of ER

Word Count: 530 For the best Online Pilates company, call Cara McGrath Pilates. “ Many people knowingly experience asthma for the first time when they are rushed to the emergency room with acute breathing problems. Many of them did not realize they had asthma. This article gives five warning signs for asthma and what to

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5 Tools That Lead to a Happier & Healthier Life

Lynn VanDyke 3500 If you have experienced a massage session, you already know the wonders a great massage can have on your mind and body. You know about the complete feeling of health and relaxation that overcomes your entire being. You know about the calmness that permeates throughout the therapy room. And you know about

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5 Tips to Reduce Holiday Depression

Wayne Perkins 198 date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10 category:health article: As the holidays approach each year, more and more people suffer from Holiday Depression. Some experts blame it on factors relating to nutrition. Nutritional experts believe that depression is caused by the excessive sugar and fatty foods coursing through our bodies. Other experts believe that depression is caused

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5 Tips to Reduce Depression

Wayne Perkins 232 date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10 category:health article: While war and poor economic conditions begin to affect people all over the world, more and more people suffer with depression. The more we focus on news events and the business climate, the more we are depressed. Whatever the reason you feel is the cause of your depression,

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5 Tips To Make Your Personal Training Business More Profitable

Word Count: 653 For the best Online Pilates company, call Cara McGrath Pilates. “ Pat Rigsby offers five strategies to help personal trainers grow their business and their profits. personal training business, personal trainer To find the best Online Pilates company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. Copyright 2006 The Fitness Consulting Group Here are

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