Category: Online Pilates

7 Secret Weapons to Win the War of Arthritis Inflammation and Pain

Rita Kennon 3401 Arthritis is the #1 cause of disability in America today, impacting approximately seven million people. It is now one of the most prevalent chronic health problems. The estimated annual costs of arthritis to Americans are $15 billion in direct medical costs and $49 billion in indirect costs such as lost wages. Nearly

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7 Reasons To Start Up With an Exercise Program

Terje Brooks Ellingsen 2282 Most of us need to follow an exercise program. This is due to the fact that just a minority of Americans exercise in a significant way. Below follows 7 good reasons to start exercising now. 1. Contributes to fat loss. It is well documented from scientific research all over the world

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7 Reasons Low Carb Diets are Wrong

Charles Remington 422 date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10 category:health article: The human body is designed to run best on a certain type and balance of fuel. Unfortunately the latest low-carbohydrate fad diets are not fuel that the human body was designed to run on. Low – carbohydrate diets can cause several health concerns over time. Here are the

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7 Proven Ways to Resist the Urge to Smoke

Arina Nikitina 832 date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10 category:health article: When you decide to stop smoking the most difficult part is to resist the urges. It doesn’t matter that each craving lasts only 3-5 minutes. It’s still the whole 5 minutes to battle with your willpower! These 7 tips will help you to resist the urge to smoke

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7 Killer Ways To Maximize Your Fat Burning In The Gym

Wesley Atkins 3339 Hey, we all want to shed some pounds and get back to the body that we had when we were younger and didn’t appreciate it but it takes discipline, planning, and dedication to make that happen. All too often people shed 10 or 15 pounds and then seem to stop losing weight.

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7 Incredible Lifesaving Tips to Manage Your Anger

Michael Lee 649 Experiencing anger is extremely dangerous to your health. It causes your adrenaline and blood pressure to rise up at above normal levels. Moreover, you could end up hurting someone or doing something that you will regret later on. Here are 7 fantastic tips to help you be the one in control of

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7 Excuses For Not Starting Up Your Weight Loss Diet

Terje Brooks Ellingsen 2284 Changing habits is one of the most difficult challanges we human beings are facing. This also applies to changing food habits, and especially starting a weight loss diet, when you are used to eating what you want when you want it. When we feel defeated by this challenge it is easy

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7 Easy Steps To Weight Loss

Dan Farrell 4041 Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to lose weight? To finally start to feel good about yourself and look good? You aren’t alone, as millions of Americans are looking for that ‘perfect weight loss program’. Here are a 7 steps you can start today and see results very quickly. No fads,

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7 Commonly Asked Questions About Laser Eye Surgery

Susan Easton 4933 date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:12 category:health article: Lasik and other forms of laser eye surgery have become so common and effective that many health plans around the country may soon begin paying for them as acceptable forms of eye surgery. And if they don’t, they should. The success rate with lasik eye surgery and laser

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60% Or Adults Are Obese! Permanent Solution?

Word Count: 367 For the best Online Pilates company, call Cara McGrath Pilates. “ More than 60 percent of adults in the United States are overweight or obese, and obese persons are more likely to be ill than those who are not. Obesity presents challenges to physicians and patients and also has a negative impact

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