ARK Bathroom From Over The Moon. Part Two.

ARK Bathroom From Over The Moon. Part Two.

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Lately it’s becoming not only a place for hygienic procedures; we relax in our bathrooms, laying in the bathtubs, we can spend some time in private, bring ourselves in order etc.

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Do define, how significant is the bathroom for you and your inmates.
Lately it’s becoming not only a place for hygienic procedures; we relax in our bathrooms, laying in the bathtubs, we can spend some time in private, bring ourselves in order etc. By opinion of most bathroom designers, a bathroom should be one of the most illuminated places in the apartment. You should have an opportunity to see yourselves well in the bathroom, while getting ready for a workday or going to bed. The lighting should be chosen keeping in mind these two conditions.
Starting to select bathroom lights it is important not to forget, that this room substantially differs from other rooms in the apartment: constant heat and high moisture sometimes create such “subtropics”, that not every luminary will “survive” in such circumstances. That’s why you should look at lamps that stand direct contact with water, that is waterproof, a resistant to sudden drops of temperature and corrosion. And again, bathroom waterproof lights is a must to install when renovating a bathroom.
In order to feel comfy in a bathroom and to create a good spirit in there, it is necessary to thoroughly think over the position of luminaries, so that they are not exposed to splashes of water.
One of the optimal decisions that might be considered as possible is a combination of a number of built-in luminaries in the hung ceiling, and an appropriate number of luminaries for local lighting of separate zones – a mirror, a bathroom sink, a shower, a bathtub. It’s also worthwhile to install some hidden light sources at even distance from one another, brightness of which can be regulated, or wall lamps with subdued colors, fixed along the walls near the ceiling.
You might also choose from a fairly great assortment of movable luminaries, which can be rotated to direct light to different sides and even change their color and intensity. At both sides of a mirror are installed a pair of luminaries with dispersed light; they illuminate well but do not blind. Do pay attention to one typical mistake: if the light near a mirror is directed upward it stresses wrinkles and if downward – it creates shadows on your face.
One of the most traditional, practical and useful materials for a bathroom decoration is no doubt tiles. The market is offering tiles of different quality and surface (glazed and non-glazed), and also imitating hassock, bricks and marble. One of the most fashionable and original decisions might be used in a bathroom tile panels with different patterns.
The ideal material for a bathroom is, certainly, marble. Thanks to its natural multicolor, a great number of sorts and original pattern on each separate piece, and also good matching with other materials, a bathroom designer obtains unlimited possibilities of its usage. Bathroom sinks with a marble worktop are very popular and widely presented in the bathroom shops.
Wooden finishing is in demand among admirers of the middle of XIX century decor. Different type of woods can be used (oak, teak, pine, cherry, mahogany), but you should by all means check out if the wood surface has been covered with a special waterproof varnish. Unfortunately, the useful life of such materials is not big: from three to five years.
Furniture and accessories.
Furniture for bathrooms is produced in different styles, from classic to contemporary, out of which you can create something inimitable.
Classical bathroom style is as if came from royal apartments. The base of modern classical furniture is polyurethane: a handy material, exceeding by all its features usual plastic, and standing high moisture at that. The elegance of furniture is stressed by glass doors, handmade accessories and dainty spot lights.
Furniture sets in the style of modern is being marked by a big number of mirrors and luminaries of peculiar forms, corresponding to this style. As a rule, for their production they use MDF and again polyurethane, and for finishing – natural wood plates. Modern style of bathroom furniture presupposes the presence of glass or mirror doors in cabinets, finished with metal, wood or color plastic. Similar models are distinguished by rationality and lightness, they are decorative and practical enough, and also have a very wide color range.