Coping with Anxiety

Coping with Anxiety

Jacob Felts
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Anxiety is a part of everyone’s life. There are different ways of dealing with different of anxiety owing different causes. Proper treatment and support can help a person to deal with their anxiety in a better way and making living with it better. And with time one can find himself or herself free from the majority of their issues.
Causes and types
Anxiety is mainly of two types. One type is that type of anxiety with which you can deal and the other type is worsened form of anxiety which leaves a mark on your personality. The first type of anxiety is easy to deal with. Support from your near and dear ones can help you to come out of your anxiety or you can always deal with it on your own, without needing any support. But the second type of anxiety requires some effort to make living easy. The first thing that is needed to be done is to determine which the type of your anxiety is and then find out the root cause of it.
Causes for anxiety can be external as well. So in order to deal with your anxiety in a better way you need to find out whether your anxiety is caused due to an external factor or not. Any bitter incident which took place in your past life can be the cause or sometimes it can be an indistinct intuition that something is not right but if your anxiety is due to some external factors then you should work towards dealing with it. However there is no obvious external cause for anxiety reactions to life.
Studies are still conducted to find out the cause of anxiety in people who don’t have any reasonable past traumatic experience which could lead to anxiety. People with deep rooted anxiety may have chemical imbalances in their brains for improper registration of neuro chemicals. However you should be aware that it is not a proven fact with any concrete evidence. A relatively new study conducted in 2005 showed that it is possible to do a normal blood test to find out the chemicals present in the brain which can cause anxiety.
More or less all the anxiety symptoms are quite well known because over the years people have experienced anxiety. The usual symptoms are prolific sweating, ‘lump in the throat’, palpitations, twitching, dry mouth, chest pain and shortness of breath or wheezing. However these symptoms can exist as side effects of some other medicines or some other psychological issues. When linked to a phobia, as opposed to being ‘general’ anxiety disorder, the symptoms normally only happen in reaction to explicit stimuli.
Groups like Toastmasters International helps you with specific anxieties that have not yet reached a weakening stage. After you notice the anxiety symptoms in yourself you must consult a psychiatrist or a professional health professional.
A qualified mental health professional can assess your anxiety, diagnose your psychological issues, and plan a course of treatment that suits you best. If you detect that your anxiety is reaching a bad stage then at once you must seek advice from your doctor. So that there are full chances of your recovery. If you have full support from your family and from all those people who understands you can help you treating your anxiety. Thus you can cope with anxiety in a better way and your recovery will be quick and complete.
Journaling, therapy, group sessions, or medication are the various methods of treatment. However cognitive-behavioral therapy is the most common type of therapy. In this kind of treatment the mental health professional aids the patient in shagging the ways of thinking that contribute to the cause of anxiety. The professional then introduce the patient to the situations that helps in controlling their anxiety. Common types of medication include anxiolytics such as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are the common medicines and also tricyclic anti-depressants, though these days those are prescribed less often. It is seen that over 90% of patients get recovered by availing these treatment options.
Get more information on coping with anxiety here.