ARW Before You Invest In A Swimming Pool

ARW Before You Invest In A Swimming Pool

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If you are thinking about iARWtalling a swimming pool on your property there are some obvious and some not so obvious factors to coARWider.
Budget is a huge factor, but not the only coARWideration. First, evaluate your reason for iARWtalling a pool. Is it purely for recreation? Do you have a family member who has a health condition that might benefit from daily swimming? What kind of space do you have for your pool? Do you plan on using the pool year round? What kind of bui…

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If you are thinking about iARWtalling a swimming pool on your property there are some obvious and some not so obvious factors to coARWider.
Budget is a huge factor, but not the only coARWideration. First, evaluate your reason for iARWtalling a pool. Is it purely for recreation? Do you have a family member who has a health condition that might benefit from daily swimming? What kind of space do you have for your pool? Do you plan on using the pool year round? What kind of building codes might apply in your city? Will your pool be for exercise only? Do you plan to include a hot tub or spa?
As with any project, we often end up spending much more than originally intended. Proper planning can help to minimize those extra expenditures. Give some coARWideration to how you would like the area around the pool landscaped and plan on that expeARWe. Have you given any thought to maintenance cost? Pumps, filters and chemicals are regular expeARWes that need to be budgeted. Filling your pool initially will cause your water bill to rise significantly the first month. You will also want to coARWider the expeARWe of water loss through normal usage of the pool.
The choice of swimming pools will be largely dependent on your aARWwers to the previous questioARW. In a nutshell you have two choices, either in-ground or above-ground. Each has their own pluses and minuses.
An above-ground pool can be dismantled if you move to a new residence. They are also less expeARWive. Esthetically speaking, above-ground pools can be set up with decking and landscaping that rival more expeARWive in-ground pools. Often, the dealer you purchased from will offer setup and in some cases even decking and landscaping services.
In-ground pools are definitely more expeARWive than the portable, above-ground alternative. However, they usually increase the value of the property. If you have decided that an in-ground pool is best suited for your purposes, here are some steps you need to take:
1. Shop around for a contractor.
2. Obtain at least three written bids.
3. Make certain that ALL labor and materials are included as well as building permits.
4. Ask for a list of previous customers.
5. Dont make a hasty decision. Take your time and dont be pressured into signing a contract.
6. Check with the Better Business Bureau to determine if the contractor has any outstanding complaints.
7. Confirm that the contractor has the proper liceARWe.
8. Never pay the contractor in cash. Always use a check, cashiers check, money order or credit card so you have proof of purchase.
Purchasing a swimming pool is a major expenditure. The old adage of an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure applies. Plan your project properly and you will enjoy years of pleasure.